Day 20: Soul Sunday

For the longest time, I have always called Sundays…Soul Sundays. Sunday is THAT day and always has been for the longest time. Sunday for many people means church, family/friends, food and slowing down to appreciate the blessings that we have!

My Sundays are definately about staying home and slowing down. My two hardfast rules for Sunday are no outings and I MUST prepare a nice Sunday supper. I actually do get a bit mad when people put things on Sunday.

For me, Sunday is the day to “get right with my soul.” Not that I am not during the week, it’s just a different pace and focus. When I was writing this article, I searched Soul Sunday to try and find a picture that expressed this sentiment. What I found was better than I had every hoped and was divinely timed. The picture above puts into words what my thoughts and actions have aimed to do on Sundays. Perfect find!

So today I an reading a new book, might glance at the T & T Seeds catalogue and making beef barley soup for lunch and pork roast for supper (or dinner if you prefer). Definately getting right with my soul. Must run…souly things to do!

Your Soul Sunday Loving Friend,

