Day 57 & 58: Hug Your Momma

Posting a day late for yesterday. Forgive the delay as I had a funeral yesterday and bummed out last night. Honestly, I plain forgot to post.

My heart breaks and aches for a friend that just lost her mom to cancer at 66 years young. How tragic! How useless. I don’t get it. I guess these are the stages of grief. Way back when I was younger, I went to church with Stacy and her mom Janice. These women I tell you ??? Their husbands are lucky and if I could ever bring half the love & compassion to the World that these ladies do/did, I would be blessed and I would be a true blessing to others.

I did not know Janice well, but well enough, that as her loved ones shared their cherished memories, I nodded along. That was exactly what I thought of her, and if someone that knew her as little as I did, knew that about her…well that is obviously her true character shinning through.

Stacy, her mom and her family are tight knit. Just loved each other through and through and I know that Stacy is going to struggle and ache without her dear mom with her. My heart breaks. I wish I could take all her pain away. Poor Sheldon lost his much loved mother in law and Peyton his Grandma ?

Men and ladies, hug your momma! The things we take for granted.

Not only does your heart break for the ones that lost their loved one, however, I think funerals have a way of shocking your system and getting you to face your immortality right in the eye. I thought to myself, one day it will be my funeral (hopefully at 94 or 104) and who will be there and what will they be saying. Makes you question your every thought, action and very existence. Makes you look at the kind of person you are and where you are spending your energy.

Needless to say, I have been reflecting. I am and will be reflecting. I can do more and be more. It’s time to a grow a bit in different areas of my life. I owe myself and others that much.

Well I better run. I am in a hotel in Brandon, Manitoba and I need to do final prep for three interviews tomorrow.

Your Reflecting Friend,

